A documentation of what it is like to draw 100 pink coffee cups.  


Well, I had some time on my hands today and no idea what to do with it. I was feeling the creative calling but too lazy to dig into my paints and too intimidated to pull out a fresh canvas. So, I sat down and looked at the items I had on my desk.: a block of post-it- notes, a black sharpie marker, a pink highlighter and of course a cup of coffee, which I always have on my desk in various stages of temperature and amount.

Of course the most obvious thing was to draw my coffee cup, so I did. but that wasn’t enough to fufill my creative urge, so I drew another cup of coffee, but this one I wasn’t happy with, so I drew another cup of coffee and then I started to think to myself, what fun it would be to keep drawing pink cups of coffee. And that is exactly what I did. I outlined the cup in the sharpie marker, and coloured the cup with the pink highlighter. After the 14th cup of coffee drawing, the sharpie headache set it. We all know and kind of love-hate the smell of a sharpie. Well, if you use it too long, it can lead to your head feeling strange. But I continued on with pink coffee cup number 15. Somehow I decided that 100 cups of pink coffee was my goal and I wanted to document the order and any thoughts that came up along the way. At one point I found myself wishing for an another pink highlighter, at another point I had to switch to the next block of post- it notes. I had no idea when I started that I would be finishing the first block.

Anyways, take a look and join me on my journey of what it means to draw 100 pink cups of coffee.

What do you do when you are all out of ideas? Let me know because clearly I need some help brainstorming ideas!

rebekka connelly

Rebekka Connelly is an artist and surface pattern designer creating bold, colorful, and optimistic patterns and prints. Known for her modern and playful style, she creates and licenses an array of products from fabrics and wallpaper to paper goods that brighten spaces with her use of color and charming imagery.