daily practice

Don’t know what to draw?

Inspiration can strike from anywhere, even during your daily stroll!

Since I have been drawing daily in my sketchbook, I often find myself wondering what to draw. Lately, I have begun to photograph anything and everything that sparks my interest. Whenever that little voice speaks to me, I pull out my camera and take the photo without overthinking about the why. Then when I am home later in the day, I have a collection of resource photos to draw from. Of course, I don’t draw everything I photograph, but it’s nice always to have something on hand to draw from. Plus, it’s a great way to build a collection of resource photos to draw from that have meaning and a personal connection to you.

Here is an example of a quick sketchbook drawing of a super cute and derpy cat I saw while on a neighborhood stroll. Inspiration can also strike within the home, so if I see something that sparks my interest but don’t have the time to draw at that moment, I’ll photograph it for later.